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Mark Friedman


Mark Friedman is the founder and Chairman of Fulcrum Property. Mark takes a hands-on approach to creatively leading the team and vision of the company. Fulcrum’s success in creating high-quality projects has been recognized by architectural design professionals and industry peers. The firm has earned the International Council of Shopping Center’s Design and Development Award three times. In addition, Fulcrum’s projects have been published in Architectural Record, Harvard Design Magazine, The Regional City, and World Architecture.

Mark was instrumental in the City’s efforts to build a new entertainment and sports complex for the Sacramento Kings in downtown Sacramento. Mark graduated from Harvard College in 1979 and earned a JD / MBA from Stanford University in 1984.

Mark is an active participant in charitable and civic organizations. He has served as a board member of CalHumanities, the M.I.N.D. Institute, and the UC Davis Foundation. Mark is a founding member of the California Infill Federation, a coalition of environmental and development advocates promoting reforms to make infill development easier and less expensive. Mark was selected as a member of the United States Electoral College for the 2008 Presidential election. He was named Sacramentan of the Year for 2015 by the Sacramento Metropolitan Chamber of Commerce.


Randy Koss President
Colleen Pacca Chief Financial Officer
Nick Carter Chief Investment Officer
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